My QuaRoutine

QuaRoutine Pandemic Journals
2 min readDec 7, 2020

I usually follow a routine during my QuaRoutine because of my work and my studies. In the morning I don’t do many things because I like to sleep and the quarantine makes my sleep schedule better because I sleep more than before the Pandemic. I wake up early to have breakfast and to go to my online class. I love to do everything in my pajamas because it is comfortable, though the articles don’t recommend that.

I normally have many classes at the University because at home I am able to organize my hours better and I don’t lose time with public transport. So my study routine is very hard but I can do that and I like to occupate myself. My work routine doesn’t make my quarantine boring because I normally have many things to do and different activities which make me learn everyday, but it is very hard and sometimes makes me feel tired.

My favorite entertainment in quarantine is to listen new music while I drink on the weekends. I love to have this moment with myself but I also miss my friends so much because I loved to do this with them.

What is very difficult in my routine is to exercise myself doing physical activities. I am so sedentary that sometimes I feel pain in my body and I have to deal with this.

What is new about my routine is that I started to do freelance work. I always did graphic design like a hobby but now I make money with this and I love to do that. Here is a art that I recently created:

(Business card created by Vitoria Barbosa)

The quarantine changed my way to see life and now I value every moment with my friends because I miss them so much. Though I have many funds on quarantine I have many losses too and because of this I want the Pandemic to end soon for the world’s routine to come back to normal.

Vitória Barbosa Verísismo, a student at CLAC — UFRJ from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

