My routine pandemic
Since the beginning of the pandemic,my routine has completely changed.The university interrupted the presential classes and became remote.In public places,there were many restrictions and we became increasingly isolated at home.And just like the classes, contact with my friends also started to be via the internet,our conversations and meetings started to be just behind the screens. So, I'm trying to adapt to this new,somewhat confusing routine, but one that not only brought bad times,but also good moments. I am more present in my parents lives,I am getting to know myself better and learning to better accept the unpredictability of life.There are days when I wake up in a good mood, exercise in the morning,do my homework and continue my life, while others ... not so much.I wake up discouraged and just want to lie in my room. But, I am always trying to keep my sanity a priority, trying to live one day at a time and hoping that this pandemic will pass soon. I will be meeting with my friends, family and teachers, as well as going back to the beach and practicing more exercises outdoors. Although life does not return to normal, we will continue to be careful not to be infected with the covid-19 virus and not to contribute to the spread. We will continue in the hope that soon everything will be resolved, everything will pass in this life and this pandemic will pass too!
My name is Simone B. Campos, I am 21 years old, I live in Ramos-RJ and I am a student of Languages Literature by UFRJ and studying English at CLAC.